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Showing posts from November, 2011

MATLAB cell array

Accessing cell array : {}-for getting array, () - for elem of this array ============================================= carray{i} carray{i}(elemIndex) example : access cell array and string compare ================================ for i=1:totSample % ID         for j=1:totRepeat                 a =( promoter_ID{1}(i) ) ;  % check the first column cell array         b = ( promoter_repeat{1}(j) ); % check the first column cell array                  if strcmp(a,b) % yes it overlaps with some repeat           display('yes')             else           display('no')         end...

linux connect via ssh on cluster

ssh -t dsa // it will promt for password and name of key file 1. suppose file name is mykey. It will generate two file mykey and 2. it will also generate hidden folder .ssh. There will be a file named known_hosts in that folder. 3. copy this two file into .ssh folder cd .ssh cp  ../mykey ../ . 4. keep this folder with 3 files for future. 5. Once admin give u access to server, type ssh First time it will prompt password. But from next it will not. For cluster  1. cd user 2. cd DMF6 3. cd ../user/alamt 4. cp -rf DMF6 ../alamt/. 5. cp 6.  chmod a+x 7. ./ node25 CGI tanvir_01 8. scp Copy file from remote -->  local ====================== open terminal in local machine scp source destination > scp*.rank  ...