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Showing posts from February, 2012


Using textscan ================== fid = fopen(fname,'r'); C1=textscan(fid,'%s'); C1 = C1{1};// convert cell array to string  fclose(fid); Convert cell array into set of string ============================ C1 = C1{1};// convert cell array to string    Using textread ============= 1. READING FILES WITH DIFF FORMAT OF DATA INTO CELL ARRAY data = textread(fNamePPM,'%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace','\t'); 2. CONSIDER EACH LINE IN CELL ARRAY  myrow = sscanf(data{i} ,'%f\t%f\t%f\t%f' ); 3.  ACCESS ENTRY OF A CELL ARRAY  if  celarr{i}(j) =='>' end

matlab cell array store different size element

1. Cell array can stores different length of feature in various sample. Which is no possible using matrix. myCell = cell(5,1); myCell{1} = nonzeroPos;  % first row myCell{2} = [ 3 4 5];        % second row 2. Store / write cell array into file C = cell(noSample,1); fid=fopen(fNameFreq,'wt'); for i=1: (noSample - noSample +2 )    nonzeroPos = find(data(i , :) );      C{i} = nonzeroPos;     fprintf(fid,'%i\t',C{i});    fprintf(fid,'\n','' );    end fclose(fid);

linux cluster lsf using bsub load sharing facility

1. Submit a job using lsf (load sharing facility ) by command bsub (batch submit) bsub -o output.o -e errorfile.e -J jobname -q queuename ./jobbinary bsub -o output.o -e errorfile.e -J jobname -q queuename python 2. see all running jobs bjobs -u all 3. list my own jobs bjobs 4. list queue priority and name bqueues 5. Terminate or Kill a running job bkill -r jobid