1. Text Processing Cut: only selected column: 1 BASED index // check the unique value on 7 th column cut -f 7 amel_OGSv3.2.gff3 | sort -u | wc -l default is tab delimited cut -f 1,3 fName if other is used as delimiter cut -f 1,3 -d ':' fName GREP copy line containing "gene*" // to find exact word use -w // it will find as a substirng/word , But if you want exact word use -w grep -iw "gene*" amel_OGSv3.2.gff3 > ./amel_OGSv3.2.gene.gff3 grep -w "[-]9" fname // find word -9 in file. grep multiple words in file grep 'good\|bad' test.txt The following command line will grep from 1 lines [before] the match through 1000 lines [after] the match. grep "^AC P0001" factor.table -B1 -A1000 > out.txt “^AC P0001” is a regular expression. The carrot (^) means the start of a line. So, the quoted text means to find the line that starts with the dealer name AC P0001. The ...