Matlab plot figure all basic operation =========================== x = [1:5]; y = [7 8 1 9 10] h =figure plot(x,y) hold on plot(x, y+5); % change axis properties set(gca,'box','off'); % remove box around figure set(gca,'FontSize',fontsize_tick-1); % set tick size in figure set(gca,'LooseInset',get(gca,'TightInset')); % if you want to remove space on right of figure xlabel(commonLabelWindow,'fontsize' , fontsize_label); ylabel('Average AT-skew','fontsize' , fontsize_label_special); xlim ( [ min(myX) max(myX)]) ylim ( [ min( [myY1 myY2 ]) max([ myY1 myY2 ]) ]) % change size of figure % set size of figure's "drawing" area on screen ( 5.5 cm width ) by ( 4.0 cm height) set(gcf, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position',[0 0 5.5 4.0]) % change resolution 600 dpi http...