1. Matlab using TreeBagger (it is actually like Random Forest) ========================================== load ionosphere; noBag = 5; myBag = TreeBagger( noBag , X, Y, 'OOBPred','on' , 'oobvarimp' ,'on' ); // increase in prediction error if the values of that variable are permuted across OOB observations. // The more increase in prediction Error ==> The more important the variable is oobVarImp = myBag.OOBPermutedVarDeltaError // re-substitution error varImp = zeros( noBag, noFeature) for i=1:noBag varimportance( myBag.Trees{i}) end ========== COMPLETE CODE========== function fromRF load ionosphere; noBag = 5; myBag = TreeBagger( noBag , X, Y, 'OOBPred','on'); varRanking = zeros( noBag , size(X,2) ) ; for i=1:noBag [ val ,varRanking( i , :) ]= sort( varimportance( myBag.Trees{i}) ,'descend') end // suppose finally taking top rank...