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Matlab plot graph

To plot
plot( 100*codingCov, 100*noncodingCov,'.');

Change the size of default figure
set(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [ leftPos bottomPos width height ]);

To limit the axis value
xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 100]);

Mark or tick each point of axis as you wish
stateName={ 'state1'; state2''; 'state3' ; 'state4';'};

Interactive graph with click show a message
Override or select default  callBack function in mouse event . Message must be cell array

function output_txt = myCallback(obj,event_obj)
% Display the position of the data cursor
% obj          Currently not used (empty)
% event_obj    Handle to event object
% output_txt   Data cursor text string (string or cell array of strings).

fnameStat = '../gene.features/allMotifCNC.stat';
[ covCoding covNonCoding score  consensus ] = textread(fnameStat,'%f\t%f\t%f\t%s');
noMotif = 335;

pos = get(event_obj,'Position');

for i=1:noMotif
   if covCoding(i) == pos(1)  && covNonCoding(i) == pos(2)

output_txt=  consensus(i);

if length(pos) > 2
    output_txt{end+1} = ['Z: ',num2str(pos(3),4)];


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