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MATLAB check unique string in file

function identifyDuplicate


isDuplicated = 0;
fid = fopen('1400M_from_287PS_287NS.ranked','r');

tline = fgetl(fid); % ******
 while ischar(tline)
     consensusSeq = fgetl(fid); % Consessus: AAACC
     consensusSeq = upper(consensusSeq);

     curSeq = sscanf(consensusSeq,'%*s %s', [1, inf]);
     curSeq = upper(curSeq);

     fgetl(fid); % Threshold
     fgetl(fid); % Coverage
     fgetl(fid); % p-value
     fgetl(fid); % r1
     fgetl(fid); % r2
     fgetl(fid); % r3
     fgetl(fid); % r4
     for en=1:uniqueIndex -1    
         exist = strcmp(curSeq,uniqueSeq{en})
         if exist ==1
            isDuplicated = 1;
     if( isDuplicated == 1 ) % already exist       
         dupSeq{dupIndex}  = {curSeq};      
         dupIndex = dupIndex + 1;
         dup = [dup;index];
     else % not found
         uniqueSeq{uniqueIndex} = {curSeq};  
         uniqueIndex = uniqueIndex + 1;
         uniq = [ uniq;index];
     tline = fgetl(fid); % next ******
     index = index + 1;
     isDuplicated = 0;

 dlmwrite('unique',uniq,'\t'); % index of unique entry
 dlmwrite('dup'   ,dup   ,'\t'); % index of duplicate entry



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